Tuesday, March 20, 2012

For you...

And this you should know



I'll shape up for you,
I'll clean up for you,
I'll hold off and withstand
these temptations for you,

I'll be responsible for you,
I'll work hard for you,
I'll stay strong and fight hard
to always remain a hero to you...

for you little one,
I'll do these for you.

I'll pray long for you
and ask our Father in heaven
to keep watch over you
for when I can't be there with you

but know that I'll always
be here for you
through the good and the bad,
the happy and the sad.

For even when your skies get grey
with a hopeful brush in hand,
and upon the faith that I stand,
I'll color the clouds
to paint the days bright for you.

For you little one,
I'll do these for you.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reversing the usual.

Recently my writer’s block has had the best of me. Even though there has been a lot of stuff occupying my mind, my thoughts have been very fleeting and fragmented and I find it hard to put together enough words to make a decent paragraph. There are the hassles of daily lectures and the struggle with remembering contents I read daily from the never ending pages of my textbooks. But the harder part of it all I suppose is finding that someone to share in my most vulnerable moments. I seem to keep losing my way to her.

Lately I’ve been having breakfast after showers and, just before going to sleep -quite the reverse of the usual. I spend my nights awake, trotting hospital wards to monitor and meet the needs of ill patents on medical and surgical grounds. I’m in the middle of another clinical rotation, and even though I’m very near the end of my program, it feels just like another brand new beginning. Perhaps I may have to do it all over again, only this time I’ll be focusing in Anesthesia. And I will.

It’s been a little over 5 years away from home, and for the first time in those years I’m getting a visit from someone from those times - an old friend. All week I anticipated the weekend when I’d get to see him and his new family. Soon, I’ll be hitting the road to Mandeville. But last night I’d never felt so excited for the weekend in a long time. And when I searched the reason why, for the most part, I discovered it was the thought of meeting an even new friend who travelled 9 hours and many miles in the sky at a tender age of 11 weeks to come see me.

Her name is Ameerah, and she is the special one who I’m most longing to see this afternoon.