Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Been thinking.

“We do not think our way into the right actions but rather, we act our way into the right thinking.”

It’s the day before the last day of February and, I have decided today to write. It would seem funny though that the motivation for this script would be the quote above, which I earlier stumbled upon while reading through

Lately, I have been struggling with myself to get into the right frame of mind for a good composition- among many other things - struggling, albeit woefully.

And I suppose, perhaps, that if I found the appropriate stimuli to adequately prod my imagination just enough to pour out a barrage of deftly crafted phrases and sentences, I could provide nourishment for a reading soul. But like the weather outside that has since fluctuated from cold to warm; between a rainy morning and a hot sunny afternoon, I am caught at a blank impasse between the ideas on my mind and the necessary actions needed to bring them alive. But I've been thinking.

I believe that our thoughts are the wings upon which our imaginations are hinged, and our actions are the forces that propel us to fly. But I've been thinking, a little too long now.  Pretty ornate wings may be prideful, and I suppose they become even more dignified when they start to serve their intended purpose.  

Now is time for some action; some baby steps into getting things done.