How to hold steady through the times
even when you can’t see a clear picture of the end.
Sometimes life beats you up
and you just get weary to keep going on
sometimes the troubles hit you hard
and though you want to stand strong,
it pushes really hard that you stumble and fall
but all you really have to do
is to get up, dust off the dirt and walk
keep moving, keep going.
Sometimes the picture of the end isn’t too clear,
it’s hard to see the way,
because the streets have been fogged
and vision appears blurry and fuzzy
you don’t really have to be in a hurry
just take the steps one at a time, slow and steady
follow the compass of the one that guides from within
the one who never leads astray..
the one who works together all things
for the good of them that love him.
He leads aright even in fuzzy vision
gives the strength to rise when we fall
and the fortitude to push against the resistance
How to hold steady through the times
even when you can’t see a clear picture of the end
is to hold on steady to the one
who knows the beginning from the end