Besides the fact that it was those months of the year- the ones that began with the letters J and A-this summer, you could hardly tell. It rained quite too frequently, I saw no beach and the girls in bikinis, and I had no crazy party that would have me under the influence doing wild things. It was just me, alone in the house, mostly chilled and sometimes sober.
It gives cause for worry when the friends you engage in daily conversations become the characters in a book, movie or TV sitcom. It is awkward because even though there may be talking from both ends; there is no communication in its truest meaning. However, they did make me laugh and smile, and occasionally sent some feelings of inspiration that propel me to want and become more. If only I could get back across the tube to return the gesture-- but especially for the silly clumsy comics who I think deserved a jabbing slap to the head, for lack of a much needed panache.
Most of this summer I lived in a four bedroom house by myself, helping the owner who is also my friend stay watch while he traveled on vacation. Though the house was big, I made sure the rooms weren’t always empty. They would have someone occupying them once I decided which one to sleep in next. They all got their turn, one night after another. I could throw a party, or invite friends for a sleep over. But my friends were all away. And all I had was me. And so I took me, and together we went on a path of reflection and self discovery. And discover we did.
Staying watch at the house also came with a car, lots of food, a bit of liquor, wireless internet and lots and lots of books that filled a mini-library in one of the rooms. So it wasn’t so dreadful after all. For the first time in a long while I drove myself around Mandeville where I live, turning and pedaling through the thin curves that paved Manchester roads. For the first time in a long time, I baked, and took some to share with my friend when I drove to visit. I drove to church and parked at the parking lot, striding off the car side in my typical chobi style. I read a few interesting books, and a few really boring ones I had a hard time wading through.
Most of the time, I spent downloading and watching movies. From the classics of the 50s and 60s, up to the newbies of 2010. I sat in front of my computer, a glass of rum and Pepsi in hand, or a cup of tea, relaxed and indulged myself in the pleasures of a thrilling and decent movie. Dinner would be at 7:30pm; movie would start at 8pm and end at about 2am - every day. Twitter closed the day before I went to bed. Oh and I blogged on 20sb, mostly at night time too.
But now the holiday is slowly inching away. Summer is leaving. And I’m afraid again it’s near that time when I’d have to say good bye. I’ve always hated goodbyes. But I have fall knocking right at the door loyally waiting to be welcomed in with all that it brings- the hard work, its joys and its throes. It is my fourth summer since I’ve been in Jamaica, and I know in no long time summer will be here again. But until it returns, I’m going to be enjoying a good time armored and riding on my experiences of this beautiful yet lonely summer, through the smooth and bumpy roads of fall, winter and spring. For who knows what even they might bring…