Tuesday, April 27, 2010

love you always sis...

Could it really be true,
That the one who smiled like the sunshine
The one whose heart beat close with mine
Is really gone?

Hon’ I never thought it would be you
At least I got here before you
And is only right I leave before you
But yet you had to go

With no planes or jets
No fares or tickets
Still away you went
On a one way flight out of our sight
Leaving us this painful chasm void of your light

I still find it hard to believe
The dreams you set to achieve
The pretty babies you were to conceive
To make me proud an uncle
All gone in a twinkle

If I had a phone for heaven
I’d be ringing The Father above
Begging to take your place
For a Blessing you were to our race
One that never can be replaced

My heart bleeds hon’
These tears won’t stop dripping
These nights I go to sleep dreaming
That I would wake up to hold your hands

But I promise as each day goes
I’ll take a breath for you
I’ll keep my heart beating for you
In my thoughts I’d keep a place for you

And again and again we shall meet
To sing your favorite songs
We will dance, laugh and play
Through the day, however long

For when I live you live
When I shine you shine (And God knows I will, if only for you)
Moonlight or sunshine
By might and strength divine
I will love and live you sis
Today and forever!


  1. Dude... what happened to your Sis?

  2. That's my little sis bro...I dunno if you remember her but she's the only one I ever had. She passed away in April..God rest her soul.
