Saturday, April 21, 2012

Losing my balance...

She had me losing my balance…
 But yet I stayed
 for her.

 Many long days,
 many cold nights.
 I withstood the fights,
 I kept her place

when all the others
wanted so bad to take it…
 it belonged to her…

I said.

 She had me losing my balance
 trotting down the long road
 where I could have strayed,
 but instead,

I stayed.

 In line
that somewhere along
she would grab my hands and be mine,
and just that thought
made it all fine.

but now I’m tipping
 off …
my balance…
 and the only way I suppose
 I could make it stay,
would be to veer off ...
off her curb and stray ….
far far away…
For this I must do…
 hard as it may.

to keep my balance.

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