Friday, July 6, 2012


For several months I have had some form of writer’s block, and somewhere deep in my daily thoughts sat the idea that perhaps my writing days were nearing its end. Today I realized that perhaps the real reason I have had nothing to write about was because I just haven’t been living life hard enough to gather experiences to write about. The past months have been saturated with an intense commitment to the walls of academia and working hard to attain professional RN status. Well, that’s about done now, and somehow I feel like there’s a release slowly filtering through my spirit. Maybe I can live again.

Today, for the first time in a whole year, I paid a visit to the gym. And I was reminded once again the huge difference between working out at a proper fitness center and the occasional improvised exercises I meddle with at home struggling with the little available time afforded me. I was also reminded that a good work out comes with a lot of pain. My left shoulder has gone sore, and I’m left to function with an arm and half an arm resting on a belt-sling. But yeah, that endorphin laden euphoric feeling is still the same. I feel like I can take on the world…

But despite my present handicap, I survived cooking dinner tonight with only a minor scald to the skin from the boiling pot of noodles… Not so bad now ey! And here I am, with a thankful voice in my heart for all of the things that He’s brought me through these past months... Tonight’s writing and dinner inclusive.

God be praised, I'm alive!

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