This past Saturday, I decided to go for a long drive, so I call my bud for a quick getaway trip on the road--the road that has become my peaceful place of appraisal and reflection. Feeling free like a bird, we do the 100mph in the direction of no definite destination. A quick glance out through the side windows, I feel the rush of chilly winds slapping across my cheek. I behold the gleeful sight of happy faces and pleasant places within the encroaching darkness that seemed to race along, speed for speed, side by side. But still, farther along the dark nights, within the thick tall bushes that intersperse this country scenery exist fallen architectural monuments, captured moments of faded smiles on the faces of both old and young. ……..For somewhere across distant lands is a girl’s 22nd birthday; her heart is merry as she sits luscious and pleasant like the cherry. Yet, somewhere not so far away is an island crushed in a disaster. A child cries; her hope dies. And just as fireflies to leap from walls, it’s hard to believe that this world turns slowly… the world that we live in.
But this moment driving through these roads, is the world that I choose to live in. My thoughts race through time, reflecting on the behind and before. Here, I imagine the possibilities of the things that could be… a sudden smile creeps across my face as I envision the ones that would be; that I would make be… It is soothing music coming from the stereo; songs that deftly niche its way through human anatomy to caress the marrows, and calm the nerves... and somehow I find myself singing along, relieved to know that despite the impending darkness, beyond the thick
jungle of despair that stares me back in the face through these windows, lay a light of hope waiting to be discovered at the other end. And if I would persistently drive through these roads of uncertainties, perhaps I might arrive home just in time to turn on the lights for a dark world.
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