I enjoy bus rides, in long buses with glass slides that view coming traffic from window seats; air conditioners, music from the radio, and of course the thrills of having a pleasant companion as a seat mate -my friend who lights up with a huge grin on her face when we converse about her forthcoming wedding. But that’s typically how I journey forth and back from work each week day. My new life in a new town… Kingston.
But I miss my other room. I miss Mandeville.
I actually cannot recall the last time I had to wake up as early as 5.am to begin the day. These days, it has become more of a daily norm. I miss the old days. I miss my dumbbells. I miss the country peace and quiet. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of this city, it becomes a bit difficult to create and bask in my moments of serene solitude. I miss walking the footpaths I paced so much we became really familiar friends. I miss walking the streets that knew my name and could smell my sweat from a night of hard basketballing. Yet this is only my first week.
This week, work slowly took on an interesting toll. I saw the birth of several babies. Actually, together with the midwife, I assisted in the birth of 4 beautiful babies this week. This I call amazing; to carry them even before their mothers did, to give them their first injection and hear their first cries. They were little and fragile, but also cute and beautiful. And now I know that the best things in life can be seen in the delivery room of a hospital.
And I still enjoy bus rides, especially the evening bus going home when I get really fatigued and reluctantly let a little snooze before I get off. Good thing I don’t have to worry about missing my stop, I go all the way to the terminus.
It got me thinking of totally letting go and letting God; to relax on cruise control and let Him autopilot through the rough roads. I wouldn’t have to worry about my stop, because I know He’s got me all the way.Ah! I really do enjoy bus rides!
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