Tonight I played music in the dark. I could hardly see my fret board to hold the chords, but I knew I was hitting them right. I knew because the music sounded right to my ears. There was a close resonance between the guitar chords and my soul. At some point, I could hardly tell which I was stroking. I swear I almost felt a tear well in my eyes. That was amazing. I'm glad my confidence is peaking.
My heart has been gladdened the past few hours, for what exact reasons, I’m not particularly sure. But today I felt the touch of God resting upon me. He loves me, I was reassured. I am grateful for everything; for the things His love does. The ones that appear to be right, and the ones that do not, but until they too become…
It’s the brink of another month. February. At school, I’m still having a little bit of a hard time gaining full understanding in one of my classes. Daniel. It is a class where we study the book of the bible filled with biblical prophecies about the End Time, the destruction of kingdoms, and the coming of Christ for His people. There have been many interpretations and explanations. I am just worried that religious institutions may be apt to teach theological classes based on their inherent doctrines, and as such, send out somewhat prejudiced messages. But I seek His wisdom, now and again, and hope that I may find the truth in His word.
I just downloaded two seasons of Gossip Girl and House, each. GG, mainly out of curiosity to find out what these people are about. But I find it a real hard time going through the first episode without being plagued with a feeling of guilt from keeping away impending work. I hate that. All I wanted was a few moments to indulge. But right now it is exactly what I’m going to do. And let the work continue in the morrow.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
February 13, 2011

I spent a good part of last Sunday taking photo shots in preparation for the concert. I was told to write up a profile for me that would go in the brochure. The thought of me having a profile threw me a little off guard. I didn't see that coming, not so soon. I wasn't sure how, or what to write in it. So I looked up a few of my favorite artistes' profiles, and after a few minutes came up with one that looked like it could stand tall among the legends. he he! (No exaggerations, I kept it true :)). Well maybe in another few years, it just might. But for the show, I'll be playing Rain on Me, Angel like you, and Call me.And I wish that you could come.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Simple things.
Lately I’ve been questioning things: the textbooks that I read, the preacher’s interpretation of a bible text, and my lecturers’ scholarly view on a topic. Sometimes there’s a voice in my head asking, “who gave you monarchy over truth?” I’m starting to see that my textbooks, authored by renowned academic doctors and professors, have got errors in them - both typos and info. Then I get this compelling feeling like I need to educate someone, make them see that there is another way that just might work as good, if not better. But most times, I find myself learning to assert control over my tongue. I learn to keep quiet, and let these wise ones have their say. Maybe someday the ambiance might become serene enough for them to hear what I will have to say.
But things are getting too complicated. It seems as if everyone is running really fast to reach some destination I’m not yet certain about. I am not in a hurry to catch up. I usually do, following with a few inches behind. That way I get to know the furrowed paths not to trace, and learn from the mistakes of the fallen ones the places where I might stand the tallest. And just as my cousin’s fb status read “life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits,” I want to go back to the simple days. But not without my computer :).
January is rolling by quite quick, and it is back to the days of waking up early in the mornings. Getting up for my 7a.m classes is a mighty huge drag. But wake I must. And each time, I struggle with the urge between those very pleasant minutes of sleep that occur just at the brink of dawn and my innate resolve to be a responsible man. I really try, hard.
It feels even more comforting reaching campus to realize that just like myself, everyone appears tired and worn out. But they keep pushing regardless, which is why I really admire these ones in my class - the special ones who amid the chaotic bustle and rigorous work load thrown our way still find time to share and enjoy the simple things of life. The warm smiles that ease the cold mornings, a reeling laughter from a funny joke that cheers the heart, and the amiable conversations we get to exchange over lunch.
And each day, I’m gladdened to know that just as simple as the sun shines, there is a bright light that radiates from these faces that casts away the dreadful shadows from tedious and sleepless nights. A bright light that shined from the simple things that they shared.
But things are getting too complicated. It seems as if everyone is running really fast to reach some destination I’m not yet certain about. I am not in a hurry to catch up. I usually do, following with a few inches behind. That way I get to know the furrowed paths not to trace, and learn from the mistakes of the fallen ones the places where I might stand the tallest. And just as my cousin’s fb status read “life was much easier when Apple and Blackberry were just fruits,” I want to go back to the simple days. But not without my computer :).
January is rolling by quite quick, and it is back to the days of waking up early in the mornings. Getting up for my 7a.m classes is a mighty huge drag. But wake I must. And each time, I struggle with the urge between those very pleasant minutes of sleep that occur just at the brink of dawn and my innate resolve to be a responsible man. I really try, hard.
It feels even more comforting reaching campus to realize that just like myself, everyone appears tired and worn out. But they keep pushing regardless, which is why I really admire these ones in my class - the special ones who amid the chaotic bustle and rigorous work load thrown our way still find time to share and enjoy the simple things of life. The warm smiles that ease the cold mornings, a reeling laughter from a funny joke that cheers the heart, and the amiable conversations we get to exchange over lunch.
And each day, I’m gladdened to know that just as simple as the sun shines, there is a bright light that radiates from these faces that casts away the dreadful shadows from tedious and sleepless nights. A bright light that shined from the simple things that they shared.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Make Every Second Count

It is the New Year. But I am not sure exactly when my new year began, or if at all it has. At the moment, I am just going with the flow of the status quo. The earth still revolves and rotates like it always has. The sun still shines at noon when it doesn’t rain. And when I look in the mirror in the mornings, I still appear like I did last spring. The wall in my room did not get painted; the curtains are still the same. But the pastors preach that the world is soon coming to an end. Yet the only change I see from last fall are the dates on my computer and the one on my cell phone.
Then I wonder if this whole New Year chatter isn’t just an accumulated succession of seconds and minutes, and I reason that it would be wise to MAKE EVERY SECOND COUNT. The choices we make may very well lie within the continuum of time. Between the good and the bad; the happy and sad; the yes and the no, there just might be those few seconds that could make a huge difference.
Just a few days ago, I had a sudden pang of idiopathic worry and got a bit depressed, so I decided to lay on my bed with hope that the sheets would suck away my troubles over time. And even after a lot of time had passed, my worries did not. I woke up still heavy, feeling like I weighed twice my body. But the time had slipped, and I couldn’t catch it back, not even with much yelling or chasing after. Again, I reasoned that the best thing to do would be to take advantage of the time in hand, and MAKE IT COUNT. Let bygones be bygones.
There are a bunch of things I would like to accomplish in 2011; a number of resolutions I’d be glad to utter, and maybe struggle really hard at keeping. But who knows what tomorrow may bring; what joys; what sorrows?
And so, as I struggle along the way, I hope that each second of the day I can rest and hold on to the ONE whose eyes are on the sparrows, that great and faithful ONE who has promised to constantly watch over me. And this I hope for you too. HAPPY 2011!!
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