It is the New Year. But I am not sure exactly when my new year began, or if at all it has. At the moment, I am just going with the flow of the status quo. The earth still revolves and rotates like it always has. The sun still shines at noon when it doesn’t rain. And when I look in the mirror in the mornings, I still appear like I did last spring. The wall in my room did not get painted; the curtains are still the same. But the pastors preach that the world is soon coming to an end. Yet the only change I see from last fall are the dates on my computer and the one on my cell phone.
Then I wonder if this whole New Year chatter isn’t just an accumulated succession of seconds and minutes, and I reason that it would be wise to MAKE EVERY SECOND COUNT. The choices we make may very well lie within the continuum of time. Between the good and the bad; the happy and sad; the yes and the no, there just might be those few seconds that could make a huge difference.
Just a few days ago, I had a sudden pang of idiopathic worry and got a bit depressed, so I decided to lay on my bed with hope that the sheets would suck away my troubles over time. And even after a lot of time had passed, my worries did not. I woke up still heavy, feeling like I weighed twice my body. But the time had slipped, and I couldn’t catch it back, not even with much yelling or chasing after. Again, I reasoned that the best thing to do would be to take advantage of the time in hand, and MAKE IT COUNT. Let bygones be bygones.
There are a bunch of things I would like to accomplish in 2011; a number of resolutions I’d be glad to utter, and maybe struggle really hard at keeping. But who knows what tomorrow may bring; what joys; what sorrows?
And so, as I struggle along the way, I hope that each second of the day I can rest and hold on to the ONE whose eyes are on the sparrows, that great and faithful ONE who has promised to constantly watch over me. And this I hope for you too. HAPPY 2011!!
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