The clock is steady ticking, the days are fast on the run. But, some moments, I feel like I am slacking. My poor, overwhelmed, and weary little soul desires a stroke of motivation, a little touch of affirmation and prodding in the right direction.
It gets really hard to live faithfully as a christian in a world saturated with mundane ideologies, aesthetic glorification, and material adoration. Everyone wears their suitable facade, and relationships have become very superficial. My best attempt at making a head way out of this maze; a solution to this puzzle, has been like a long swim in an ocean against heavy tides and currents to reach shores which are only a mirage to my squinting eyes.
I once breezed the thought of branding myself an astute and street smart christian. The kind of God's man who is not oblivious of the evil that exists behind the dark alleys and bushes; but rather consciously chooses to set boundaries, and walk in the ambiance of the bright street lights within pleasant lawns and meadows.
Now, it seems as if there is an aberration that exists along the boundary line between the bushes and the meadows; there is a distortion in perception of light and dark; truth now has become relative. And my weary soul is sent even into a state of more confusion.
What do I do when the walks in the once brightly lit meadows aren't as calm and pleasant as they used to be; or when the mild flowers that colored the long distance have been replaced with harsh thorns dangling from forest weed now scattered over once neatly paved footpaths?
Which direction do I turn when the clamors and screeches from the dark alleys begin to sound like an alluring and gratifying lullaby?
The days when I feel like I am slipping.
But through my frequent moments of struggle, I have also come to know that sometimes the better part of a prayer is in the action that follows; the little magic moments we might birth when we move in steady steps of faith to arrive in the presence of fate.
And so, perhaps, these I need to do: to move in these steady little steps of faith. And while moving, keep my eyes stayed upon the Lord and in His word - that my weary and overwhelmed soul may find peace and content in this troubled and confused world.