Last night was beautiful in an unusual way. Imagine trying to get a girl to go out on a date with you for the past 17 months, but each time she found a wry way of turning you down, and also managed constantly to evade your advances. She would miss calls, and not return texts. Imagine most of these actions to be intentional, but for some reason you refuse to let go. Perhaps there was something that you saw etched deep down within her core; something you still see, that you find so very rare and odd in the environment you live in.
But somehow, just like in the fairy stories, your wish was granted. It did not come with the kind of fervor you had deemed, were it those first few weeks when your heart still pumped with crimsoned infatuation running through your veins. Not that your liking for her had waned in any way, but with the time that had passed, you have come to search yourself, and have found a steady flow of likeness that rests within.
Her original plan was to take her nephew to see a movie at the cinema - a movie you would normally not pay a cent to watch, let alone spend precious minutes sitting in front of a screen. In your mind, these kind of movies were for kids and their ‘trying to be a good’ dads, and not for grown men who were plagued with a busy schedule and piles of work to do. Yet you knew that when she acquiesced to your coming along, it was an opportunity that needed not to be missed, despite the drizzling rain outside the door. This was something you had waited long for - however long.
And to your utmost amazement, the movie turned out to be really brilliant, and made the entire evening even more pleasurable than you had totally imagined. You wished you had done this sooner. The look on her face said the same, or so you’d like to think.
But then, just as you were going to turn to say thank you, and leave her with a gentle kiss, there’s a ring on your alarm, waking you up to the realization that it had all been a dream. A dream you now wish even more that it would be real. It is 6:00 a.m, and it is back to your busy day.
And so my day went.
Tonight I’m going to bed glad, hoping to dream again. And in this dream I hope that in a couple of days we would get to hang out again. This time, that it will be at her home, where I would finally get to meet with Ana, my little vicarious friend who also happens to be her niece.
Who knows when these dreams just might begin to come true. You've got to keep dreaming.
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