Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Conversation between U^S

U: I remember

S: i guess its kinda hard to forget

U: it hasn’t been that long

S: more than a year

U: still not that long
i remember 1989
i remember when u was 9
when u were cute and fine
even though u still do shine
and get better in time like wine
but 1 year...hon thas not long enuff to forget

S: i guess i am fast...
if i move on in a matter of weeks
and a year is a long time to me

U: i guess

S: but ur right....
you never forget...
the touch...
the words...
the moments...
all strung together...
by fingertips...
like a tattoo... always apart of you

U: They stay
even when I don’t want them to
but I guess in the end, I get to see
they all were a part of the force that helped to pave the way,
So I deal it like math and let them all add up
I place them like a mason, building blocks of life
that someday I may behold a castle
Made up of walls and bricks from different places and maybe faces

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