Thursday, July 1, 2010

Conversation between U^S (2)

i like to be with people and feed people and entertain people
i guess my gift is hospitality or something

I haven’t met another person who is this passionate about people
except maybe Jesus

i don’t mean it in a bad way
i admire it
but i imagine you must feel worn out sometimes
or torn between
cause it can be hard to share your love among everyone

Yeah but i don’t really ya kno?
i have a few ppl... i dont really get close with a lot of ppl
like take fb for example, most ppl have hundreds of friends, i have less than a hundred bc i like a few close rather than a ton casual
and yes i do get really close to people
i think the hardest part is trying so hard and not having it returned
thats what wears me out most
being with friends energizes me, makes me feel most alive and happy
being cut off depletes my energy

i know
i kinda used to be there
still often find myself there on and again
but these days i think i strive to find strength from within
regardless of who's here or there
because its never a guarantee that you'd find someone to draw strength
its like most people know how to take but not to give
and yes, it’s okay to give..
but like you say, being human sometimes you do want too
you look around and there’s no one to provide

but then, I’ve found a few times that i could recharge by drawing from the bricks
the walls like i said earlier
and the thought of Jesus
that’s cool too
the whole concept...if you believe
like He’s the one who will be there when no one else will be
the one who surpasses us in our human compassion
so there are days when you are full of life...and you are so supercharged that you can give
and give
and give
then there are days you’re so depleted
and totally worn out...

but still, i find it funny that even in those day when I'm weakest
there is always someone who is even weaker
and when I do dare to give again in those situations
I realize that there was always strength within
only i didn’t really know how to reach it

S: well God created man and said,
it is not good for man to be alone
and that's the way it is

very true
nothing wrong with being with people
or around people
only problem i have with it is when we let them control the terms of our existence
our joys and moods,

this is how I see it
firstly man masters himself
controls his moods...
makes a conscious decision to know when to be happy...or stop being sad
know when to be strong..or bounce back from weakness
then he is better able to deal with the whims of people around
like he can control or change the weather around him
according to his conscious decisions

alone or in the crowd
he can smile and cause another to smile
whoever it is that may come by

thats just how i see it

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