Saturday, October 2, 2010

I am strong.

I am strong and this I know…but there are those moments when I feel like my feet are feeble. And like a toddler still learning to walk, I am still learning hard at figuring life out.

There’s this road that is wide with waste that I must wade, so I take a couple steps in wobbling strides but I stumble… Then like moving one step forward yet two steps back, again and again it feels like I’m back at the start line. Is there ever a finish line? This I wonder…

But I am strong, and this I know. Only sometimes I cannot find this strength in the fractured places it chooses to hide. I search really hard, but it seems to lose its way the days when I would need it the most. If I pace in the woods or race up the hills, there’s a cold in the air that tortures with chills. I am sad, for this weakness of mine will cause me ill.

There was once a little boy with the mind of a grown man who grew into a grown man with the virtue and gleaming glow of a little child. He wakes up each morning with a smile on his face, and is never again afraid of the dark because now he constantly carries a light that shines strong from within to illumine all of the creepy shadows and brighten the gloomy clefts. Though he was weak, this light becomes his strength…

Could I be this little child?? Perhaps I should…

But the reality is that I am a grown man now… and truth is that I have become even strong...but strong, only through the strength of His light--His Light that shines from the inside of me.

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