Sunday, November 4, 2012

Solid grounds

And the boy pleaded... O! Old man, do not forcefully deny or deprive me of my craven indulgence.  For even when I by any chance end up in that state of extreme intoxication, perhaps in my sober state I shall reflect with a deep sense of remorse on my many mistakes, and boldly step on the path of growth… or yet, perhaps not.

But either way, at the tail end of the road, I would sing with an ounce of gladness to have been counted among those who once upon a time, were said to have truly lived.

And the old man responded: For a fool shall relish in his folly, and the words of the wise shall be gravely despised. But to travel the narrow path filled with thistles and thorns most often carries on to a blissful end.

And if you must carry out an act, then I beseech that you speak softly; listen hardly; and tread gently within the wild. For the beasts of the field approach fast, and in fleeing east the ground may become mire.

Alas! In a wailing cry for help, his hands are raised for a saving clasp, but his feet are deeply sunken.

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