Monday, September 28, 2009

let the money roll even in little beginnings

As I remember the bible saying “do not despise the days of little beginnings,” this seeming little accomplishment of mine, begins to acquire much meaning to me. Today (27-09-09) is my first day of my new job where I actually get paid in cash. Unlike all these other campus jobs I’ve been working that pays money direct into your university account—which you cannot withdraw cash, and can only use the funds toward tuition and fees-- this gives cash in hand and leaves me with a sense of earned accomplishment and pride in being productive… What is this job, you ask? I tutor students who are preparing to sit for the Caribbean Examination Council Exam in Mathematics. At the moment, I only have one student and we have lessons that run for an hour once a week. I’m hoping to get more students as time goes by, which would mean more cash…yay!

We had a good time today. And Even though, earlier in the day, I wasn’t so sure I could carry out this task as efficiently as required, it all flowed with ease the moment I put the marker to the board. I was more glad the times she would nod, signaling she understood. She even got most answers right from the exercises we practiced, which made me feel like such a good teacher. But truly, many times in the class my thoughts were running in the direction of “ let the money roll!”... And even though my ankle still hurt the whole hour from the sprain while I was teaching... and even as I write this…”ouch!”, my thoughts still remain “let the money roll” :-) And I hope I did not hear you just ask how much it is I earned??... silly!

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