Sunday, July 11, 2010

A civilized society..."Love" our Universal Language

I look back in history and I see many conflicts and wars that began as a result of ethnic, racial, or cultural misunderstandings. In my culture a hand to the shoulder is a gesture of friendliness, whereas in yours it means a sign of disrespect. But I was never taught this, and so I did not know. Instead, the best way you could teach me was a blow to my head. This is a typical example of how conflicts are born. And over the years, the hate is passed from generation to generation, hoping that someday the hatred will disperse as we attain a civilized society.

It is sad to say, however, that even with all of our civilization a lot of us today are still so mentally enslaved by the demons of our bitter history. Which in my opinion makes living in the world today a lot more complex than it used to be. Because now you not only have to think for yourself, but you have to be sensitive to your audience's thought processes, their moods, and state of mind. Now, you just cannot say how you feel and what you think even when you have not the slightest disrespect at heart, but you say what you think your audience needs to hear all that peace may abound. Just like a child would speak to a parent, a Caucasian to a Negro, a yoruba lady to an ibo man, or some preachers to their congregation (lol). Perhaps this is what is meant by a civilized society…If you asked me, I still wouldn’t know.

But this leads me back to a question that has always been lurking in my mind. Is there something as simple as a universal truth? Is there a form of truth that transcends culture, religion or race? If yes, are we as humans prone to accept this truth, to understand it in all of its form, speak it as one language, and embrace it as one culture? If you asked me again, I just may have a word this time.

One word that stays on my mind is Love. To me, love is the truth that transcends through cultures,that swims the deepest of oceans, travels across distant lands to penetrate through the most rocky mountains. Love is our universal language,in the many dialects and accents in which it presents like listening, waiting, giving, asking, forgiving, patience, empathy, selflessness and in all of the other forms in which it may come. Love might be the solution to our problems. Perhaps it is this love that may lead us into that civilized society where all of the hatred will eventually be dispersed into oblivion. But this may only be, If only we would choose to love a little more.

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