Friday, July 16, 2010

I guess I changed...

I remember the days when mother would say to me “you need to loosen up and stop looking so serious all the time” O geez! What happened to me? These days I can barely keep a stern face for a minute without letting forth a smile…I guess I changed.

I was once a child and acted accordingly like one. But now, now, my oh my, am I a grown man! I remember the days when it was all about hanging with the boys, and the thought of rocking the chicks all night at the club kept my adrenalin at an all high. But today, this Friday night, my friend is having a party opening his bar and I’m not even sure I want to go. Somehow, all of a sudden, late nights and booze don’t seem to be my thing…I guess I changed.

Don’t get me wrong, I still like it when it rains, when we drive for long in the rain listening to the sounds of our coolest songs from the stereo. I still like my breakfast of bread and eggs, the thrill of interesting movies, and the chilling and being togetherness that I think are medicine for melancholy. But like my cousin said, people change and forget to tell each other. And I thought to myself, how true. But only if they would post a mail or leave a voice message…So I hope that you get to read this, just so it doesn’t take you by surprise…And if we ever met again you wouldn’t be too shocked to see that I changed.

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