Saturday, November 27, 2010

These days.

It’s almost the end of my clinical rotations. I have got a week left to go.

I remember when I first got to this town, apprehension made the trip with me. But now, I think I’ve ditched her along the way. She’s just not my type, I don’t see her anymore. You should see the new dame around me all the time now: she’s got poise, appeal, and has a sweet smell like dignity. Her name is confidence. I met her through His grace, after I had tried and failed, attempted and got disappointed. She came to my rescue.

I have come to like the hospital, not as a patient, but as a provider of health - a nurse. These past weeks have made me think of changing roles as a health worker. I had another eureka moment that provided answers to where I’d like to focus my career. I’m thinking Cardiology. I’d like to learn all about the heart and blood vessels; how they work, and how they can be fixed. But maybe after all the fun moments of auscultating with stethoscopes, catheterizations, and medication administrations, I could wipe the dust off my guitar and throw a shot at Broadway. I just might make the kind of music that heals the heart too. It’d still be cardiology – I suppose.

Christmas is almost here. Then, I will have about two weeks of holiday. Two weeks of no class, no hospital or patients, no waking up early at 5a.m. Another two weeks away from my family, at Christmas. The fourth Christmas. I miss them, only these days I forget how to cry.

I feel like I need to catch up on some sleep, a couple books I have missed, and hone on the guitar. My concert is coming up February the 14th. After my audition, I was told I’d be playing 4 songs on stage. I’d like to thrill the crowd. Actually, I should.

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