Tuesday, July 28, 2009

first time bloggers

Blogging for the first time...Heard the word 'blog' a thoudand times, read a few, now I get to write mine. How cool. I just hope I can be consistent with this. But I'll try. My blog title says 'travel with me': through my journeys of life; the joys, drama, emotions, academia, social, arts, family and all... At the moment I don't even have a car so I do most of my travelling on foot, so I hope I dont wear you out before this journey is over...but if we look on the bright side I'd be buying my Range Rover after grad school, then I can give you a cozy ride through the smooth or bumpy roads, while we observe and bask in the serenity and splendor of our immediate nature. listening to the sounds of soothing music from the stereo... But in the meantime we could atleast catch a taxi in a bid to make our journey a bit quicker..or better yet we could drive in your car, I'll pay for gas :-). My name is Uche obi or Uchenna Obi - actually to me they both are the same. My middle name is Samson. However, not a quarter of my friends know this fact. Ask me why, I couldn't say. I go to university in Jamaica, earning a bachelor's degree in Nursing, and I intend to go to PA grad school right afterwards( which is a few years from now).

Welcome to my world, let this journey begin... but remember to grab your flip flops and water bottles for our loooong looong walk.

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