Thursday, July 30, 2009

Look who's writng!

I keep fighting these thoughts in my head telling me I'm supposed to come up with some killer insights to write on this blog to make it exquisitely interesting...But another voice within reminds me to just keep it as simple as can be...And this I resolve to do... I don't do Tv much becasue I think its just a bunch of rubbish aired to inflitrate and control people's minds and cause them to act robotic. But then I have quite a few programs that I wouldn't miss; with their airtime in my head like wings at the back of a bird. Every week day at 3 pm one of my favorite shows SCRUBs airs on Mtv for an hour. The past few days I tune in to channel 55 at 3 on the dot to find Mtv showing something else. I wait for about 3o mins and still the same crap!...How very disappointing. But luckily today somehow I turn on the tv at about 2:15pm to find JD and Turk lurking at the corners of the hospital ward talking medical mumbo jumbo...How relieving! My scrubs came back! Ha! Someone from MTv should have called to let me know they were shifting the time an hour behind. Anyways, good thing I found out for myself...

I went a little farther in Mr Limbaugh's the way things ought to be: quite an insightful book; these right wing conservatives kinda make sense if you look at at it from an angle, only thing is this angle can't contain everyone, so there'd always be disparity in views. I should find out if I'm conservative or liberal when I finish reading the book...But then, do I really care??

I came up with with a thought of the day while brooding over lunch. I'll share it with you: "There isn't much disappontment when we learn to cut low our expectations; marking the distinction between our needs and wants can guarantee us more satisfaction. Yet, there should never be an excuse not to exercise the power of faith in any circumstance"... Being hard hit by the recession, cutting low on expenses, yet still being happy and healthy despite seeming difficult circimstances inspired this thought. Now you might want to share this around!

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